Young Progressive Sikh Forum
A Indian For Every IndianAbout us
YPSF is an initiative by concerned Indians for helping the underprivileged Indians, and empowering them via various welfare initiatives. The platform's objective is to become a bridge connecting inspiring Indians with aspiring Indians to influence an overall transformation in the Indian community by prospering the Spirit of "Indians for Indians".Forum is a step towards making the world aware of the Indian legacy, valour, selflessness and compassion and their proactive contribution to Humanity all across the globe.
Young Progressive Sikh Forum was formed in May 2019 by eminent Indian personalities Nationwide hailing from the fields of academics, social work, media, entertainment and business; who have pledged to contribute their experience and resources in building a sustainable platform. Forum will initiate and organize a number of welfare activities involving educational support, Employment & Entrepreneur Support, healthcare support etc.
"Inspiring Indians for aspiring Indians"
Welfare Activities:
YPSF will act as a bridge between the privileged and under underprivileged section of the Indians community, encouraging the privileged Indians to contribute for the betterment of the underprivileged Indians, to create a self sustainable mechanism
Forum will initiate and organize a number of welfare activities involving educational support, healthcare support etc.
Support To Innovative Entrepreneurship Projects
YPSF understands the pivotal role entrepreneurship plays in building a sustainable environment for development in a community.
Acknowledging the crucial importance and the benefits of entrepreneurship, YPSF supports innovative entrepreneurship projects developed by young Indian boys and girls by providing them guidance, mentorship and support
Submit your ideas to ypsfindia@gmail.com
Stay In India
India is a land of untapped potential. The vast geological spread presents in-numerous opportunities for people seeking a job or building a business.
Stay in India is a campaign to introduce the Indian youth to the existing opportunities in India. YPSF will introduce resourceful people to educate youth on employability and entrepreneurship in order to promote the opportunities and convince the youth that is keen to leave, to stay in India, contributing to the overall process of nation building and strengthening of the community.
Sikh International Awards
Sikh International Awards is an initiative by YPSF to recognize the Indian Change-Makers. To be held every year, starting 2019, Sikh International Awards would highlight and celebrate the achievements of Indians who have reached summits of excellence in various domains and promoted the Indian Identity within their Industry and Trade.
Awards would be given in the category of Bravery, Sports, Medicine, Media, Literature, Entrepreneurship, Social Work, Education, Public Service, Culture, Life time Achievement, and Martial Arts.